The Duck Canopy Incident & Its Unexpected Lessons for Work

It’s easy to get fixated on a problem and how you might solve it. I saw that it was hot, and my ducks didn’t have much shade or protection from hawks. A canopy would solve that. Done. But I didn’t think through what else could happen in addition to solving my problem. I didn’t consider how my solution could create new problems.

You may not be aware that Richard has a flock of ducks. Recently, Richard’s ducks had the most traumatic day of their lives, and it generated some unexpected lessons for humans at work. In this episode, Peter and Richard reflect on what happened and some lessons we learned to lead change more effectively.

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Humanizing Work’s Leadership Intensive.To go deeper on topics like this, join our new Leadership Intensive (virtual, instructor-led). Humanizing Work’s Leadership Intensive is structured as a series of practical half-day workshops on the concepts, skills, and tools leaders need to lead empowered teams and individuals effectively. Registration our Jul-Sep cohort is open now.

Theory of Constraints (TOC). Learn more about the Theory of Constraints in our online, self-guided TOC mini-course (just $49).

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