Key Ideas of the Week

The Return of Pragmatic Agile: Coming Full Circle

Origin: The Early Days of Agile Back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, what became the Agile movement wasn’t about frameworks or certifications. It was about teams of developers saying, “We’re uncovering better ways to build software by actually doing it.” That’s not just nostalgia talking. Those early adopters… Read More

Spreadsheet Problems

At Humanizing Work, we all love a well-crafted spreadsheet. Formulas, conditional formatting, beautiful charts. The whole thing. There’s something deeply satisfying about seeing complex data transformed into clear, actionable insights right before your eyes. But as useful as spreadsheets can be, it’s tempting to try to make them do jobs… Read More

The 4-Step Roadblock Buster

Ever feel like your great ideas for improving work get stuck in quicksand? You’re not alone. In our workshops, we often invite participants to… Read More