Humanizing Work 2022 Conference Participant Takeaways

We’ve just returned from hosting the 2022 edition of our annual Humanizing Work Conference in Veil, Colorado. On the last day of the conference, we asked a few of the participants to share an idea or concept they picked up that was particularly meaningful or useful to them, that they thought you might benefit from hearing. Click to check it out! Read More

Don’t Bring Me Problems, Bring Me Solutions

In this episode, Richard and Peter answer the question: “I was in a 1:1 with my boss and I shared a problem I was observing on the team. She reminded me of her motto: ‘don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.’ The challenge was that I didn’t have a solution. Should I wait to share the problem until I’ve come up with a solution?” They also get into why managers shouldn’t say this, even if their intentions are good, and what to do instead. Read More

Turn The Ship Around – A View Into Agile Leadership

Note: This post is adapted from some posts that I originally created on Adobe's blog while I was an employee there. I recently finished reading former U.S. Navy Submarine Commander David Marquet’s book “Turn the Ship Around". It is a powerful story of learning what leadership means and the struggles Marquet had putting it into place in his role as commander of the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Santa Fe (SSN 763). Read More

Laloux Cultural Model and Agile Adoption

Peter's Update: March 2021 The post below, as is true of all historic writing, describes my perspective at the time. That perspective has evolved quite a bit over the years as I've worked with hundreds of leaders in dozens of organizations. My current opinion, informed by teaching it and trying to apply it, is that Laloux's descriptions of Teal are probably more high Green, though the organizational case studies include a mix of Green examples and what I'd consider legitimate Teal thinking. The key move from Green to Teal is an abandonment of what people "should" value and an embracing of how each value set provides some benefits that are important for different contexts, what the original researcher behind the model Clare Graves called Life Conditions. Through that lens, Teal does not equal "no hierarchy", but includes situations where hierarchical structures match the life conditions, needs, and context of the organization. In my opinion, the organization in the book that best exemplifies this value set is FAVI, which integrates the needs and value sets of all of the  color stages from Red through Green. A person with any of these values (the need to be powerful, the need for stability, the need for achievement, and the need for loving connection) would be happy working at FAVI. With that preface, I humbly share the original below, unedited. I had invested years of my life in a ground up, large-scale agile adoption. The early years of the adoption seemed to go at breakneck speed. Teams were adopting scrum with great success. People were feeling more engaged, products were getting better, and the company was benefiting. And then it felt like we hit a wall. Despite what felt to me like a groundswell of support from teams, managers, and directors, we were struggling to make the leap to real organizational agility. Read More