Why You Should Amplify Your Amundsens and Dampen Your Shackletons

These studies show our predisposition to see leadership potential in babblers, braggarts, and busybodies, regardless of their actual contribution, competence, or capability. If we do nothing, we risk creating organizations where blustery, arrogant, and impulsive leaders fill the ranks. But there are ways to find and amplify the adept Amundsens and reduce the influence of swashbuckling Shackletons.

In this episode, we introduce you to two polar explorers that vividly illustrate our tendency to see leadership potential in babblers, braggarts, and braggarts regardless of their actual competence. We share several ways you can bring things back into balance, separating actual effectiveness from the noise, whether you’re the quiet high-performer or the leader trying to build an effective team.

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Show Episode 39: A Breakthrough in Hiring with TheraSpecs

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To go deeper on topics related to the content of this episode, join us for:

  • Humanizing Work’s Leadership Intensive (virtual, instructor-led) – A series of practical half-day workshops on the concepts, skills, and tools leaders need to lead empowered teams and individuals effectively.
  • Leadership Circle 360 Assessment – A leadership assessment that measures and provides leaders feedback through the lens of a validated and powerful model.

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