Humanizing Work’s Leadership Intensive

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The Humanizing Work Leadership Intensive equips…

…executives to deliver business results and a healthy culture without the exhaustion,

…managers to give direction, delegate effectively, and develop their team, all without micromanagement,

…and change agents like coaches and ScrumMasters to influence leaders in successfully supporting agile approaches with less frustration.


Many leadership training offerings are scheduled over the course of a few consecutive days. This structure is particularly good at creating what is known as a “peak state,” where participants feel great and confident at the end of the training. However, research shows that peak states rarely translate to successful application of the content.

Short Sessions

For that reason, the Humanizing Work Leadership Intensive is structured as a series of practical half-day workshops on the concepts, skills, and tools leaders need to lead empowered teams and individuals effectively. The workshops are spaced out to provide time for practice and integration between sessions. No more drinking from a firehose for two or three days while email and tasks pile up back at the office.

Expert Coaching

Between workshops, participants attend instructor led, group coaching sessions to help work through practical application challenges. The workshops have plenty of inspiration packed in, but the incremental and iterative structure lets participants practice using the content before the trainers leave the (virtual) room, leading to much stickier results.

Leadership Intensive Program Timeline

Cohort Connection

This program is deliberately designed as a cohort-style learning model where leaders engage in deep discussions, drawing upon diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. By collaborating within a cohort, participants not only deepen their understanding of leadership concepts, but also develop lasting professional connections that extend well beyond the program’s duration.

Program Schedule

Click on session titles or continue scrolling to view session descriptions.

Type Description
Session 1 Leading Through Complexity: Empowerment, Adaptability, and Creative Leadership
Coaching 1 Group Coaching Session
Session 2 Crafting Purpose and Vision: The Heart of Effective Leadership
Coaching 2 Group Coaching Session
Session 3 Creating High-Performing Teams & Org Structures
Coaching 3 Group Coaching Session
Session 4 Coaching for Growth
Coaching 4 Group Coaching Session

Session Descriptions

Session 1: Leading Through Complexity: Empowerment, Adaptability, and Creative Leadership

Today’s leaders face the daunting challenge of navigating an ever more complex business landscape, where the old ways of leading fall short. This complexity not only demands a new level of adaptability but also requires a leadership style that balances the pursuit of business results with the fundamental human need for empowerment and creative expression. This core half-day session in our leadership series addresses this challenge head-on by introducing participants to the Cynefin framework for navigating complexity, the Three Jobs model for managing empowered teams, and the Leadership Circle for personal leadership growth. By the end of the session, leaders are equipped with the tools and insights to lead with confidence in unpredictable environments, ensure their teams achieve peak performance, and foster a culture that brings together business success with a deeply human-centric approach.
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Session 2: Crafting Purpose and Vision: The Heart of Effective Leadership

The skill most highly correlated with effective leadership is the ability to create clarity through strong purpose and vision. This is as true for a project as it is for an organization. Unfortunately, the typical purpose or vision statement is too vague and “corporate” sounding to inspire and to set as a clear foundation for strategy, goals, and execution. In this session, you’ll learn the characteristics of effective and ineffective mission, purpose, and vision statements, as well as a method for reliably harnessing the creativity of a group to write a great one.
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Session 3: Creating High-Performing Teams & Org Structures

Establishing the optimal team and organizational structure directly impacts a company’s ability to succeed, but it’s a complex puzzle. Without the right structure, teams work on the wrong things, get stuck waiting on others in order to deliver anything of value, and never get into the flow that is the hallmark of all great work. This workshop reveals how leaders create the six conditions for effective teams and introduces strategies for effective organizational structures that emphasize the importance of collaboration within teams for complex tasks and coordination across teams for ordered tasks, thereby enhancing overall team performance and organizational agility.
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Session 4: Coaching for Growth

As leaders try to be less directive, to avoid the micromanagement everyone hates, they can end up adopting a hands-off approach that provides neither clear direction nor growth for employees. Turns out coaching is a skill most leaders haven’t had a chance to develop. And just asking more questions doesn’t do the job. In this session, you’ll learn and practice a coaching approach leaders use to catalyze individual and team growth, broader and deeper thinking, and greater collaborative capability. This session is consistently rated among the most immediately applicable and transformative concepts we teach leaders—coaching skills really are a multiplier!
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Additional Course Benefits

  • Access to free Humanizing Work resources
  • Continuing education credit. This course earns 18 PMI PDUs or Scrum Alliance SEUs

Optional Leadership Evaluation Add-on

To go deeper with your personal development as a leader, add a Leadership Circle Profile evaluation to your registration at a discounted rate (normally $1795, discounted to $1495). The Leadership Circle Profile is the most powerful model we’ve seen for helping individual leaders understand their current leadership strengths and weaknesses, and importantly, where they should focus for their individual leadership development. It provides deep insight into strengths, opportunities for growth, and blindspots. The evaluation itself is followed with one of our certified coaches to review the 360 profile results in a 90 minute one-on-one debrief to clarify the information, reflect on the feedback, and choose how to use it as a catalyst for growth. To add this option, simply select the Registration + LCP ticket type when registering.

The Instructors

Peter Green Photo of Peter Green

Peter helps leaders discover how to create the outcomes they care about the most. He draws on a unique combination of deep empathy and keen insight developed by an almost stubborn insistence on staying actively involved in seemingly disconnected fields, including the creative arts, business, psychology, leadership, organizational design, and philosophy. Peter majored in music composition at Arizona State University. He is an in-demand trumpet player and recording engineer.

At Adobe Systems, Peter led an Agile transformation that enabled the shift to a subscription business model. He co-developed the Certified Agile Leadership program for the Scrum Alliance. He has trained, coached, and advised dozens of organizations to create outcomes that range from leadership development, to creating vision and strategy, to creating a culture of innovation, to clarifying and validating customer segments and needs, to reinventing business models and products, to creating high performing, Agile teams.

Peter is a Certified Scrum Trainer, a graduate of the ORSC coaching system, a certified Leadership Agility and Leadership Circle coach, a certified Innovation Games practitioner, and the co-founder of the Humanizing Work company. He is an avid reader and idea-combiner. He is a firm believer in the power of range and a growth mindset. He spends his working hours dedicated to nudging the world of work towards a more human-centric, meaningful, and prosperous future. He spends his other waking hours enjoying time with his wife and five kids, running, hiking, playing golf, and making music and visual arts.

Richard Lawrence Photo of Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence’s superpower is bringing together seemingly unrelated fields and ideas to create new possibilities. Drawing on a diverse background in software development, engineering, anthropology, design, and political science, Richard trains and coaches people to collaborate more effectively with other people to solve complex, meaningful problems.

Richard is a Scrum Alliance Certified Enterprise Coach and Certified Scrum Trainer, as well as a certified trainer of the accelerated learning method, Training from the Back of the Room. His book, Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber, was published by Addison-Wesley in 2019 (for more information, visit

When he’s not working with clients, you’ll often find Richard cooking, playing music, practicing Muay Thai, or flying down a mountain on his mountain bike.

Private Workshops

Bring this training program into your organization! Public offerings are great for individuals or small groups to grow their skills in a cost-effective way. But there’s nothing like a private engagement that just includes people from your organization. Private workshops allow for the incorporation of additional elective options to align with your organizations’s unique challenges and strategic goals. Explore our program electives here.

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