Our favorite quotes from the recap:
From the Scrum Master & community:
“The Daily Scrum is like a canary in the coal mine. If the team isn’t having a good experience there, it probably means something else is broken in how they’re working.”
From the Product Owner community:
“We need to find communities that are focused on generosity, not being right or righteous”
In this recap video, Richard, Peter and Angie summarize some of the key points from the monthly community Zoom sessions.
Scrum Masters & Coaches: Rebooting the Daily Scrum (with some Influencing beyond authority thrown in)
In this Zoom discussion, we covered topics like:
- Purpose of the daily scrum
- How the Daily Scrum is a Canary in the Coal Mine for Scrum Teams
- Letting the work talk in the Daily Scrum
In the Product Owners community, the topic was Influencing beyond your authority: strategy, roadmap, etc. Topics included:
- If you can’t fix it, make it more visible
- How to cope with situations where we can’t influence things that matter
In the Leadership Community, our topic was Dealing with conflict when it’s not your own conflict:
- Tips from the community: what’s been useful?
- Good advice people received from mentors
- Mental models for addressing conflict, including the Leadership Circle and the Drama Triangle
- How power dynamics and authority influence conflict
- Knowing when we’re beyond our capacity or capability to help 13:55 Questioning the core assumption that a leader’s role is to resolve conflict